Thoughts on St. Francis as Peacemaker

Last month in Candidate formation during a discussion of Francis we paused to considered his role as peacemaker.  I began to praise a book I just finished called The Saint and the Sultan.  Since then I decided to write a post which is half reflection and half review.  Its located on my blog Perfect Joy.  I concluded with the following thought:

"The practice of gospel peacemaking as St. Francis shows is not tied to consensus thinking nor does it require the approval of others. It is willing to go it alone with its only requirement being a purified heart and faithful recognition of the divine seed in the other. The other is never evaluated in terms of their moral state or worthiness; love and pardon are extended unconditionally. Even the prospect of human failure is unimportant; indeed it is a distraction, because the work of bringing gospel love and forgiveness is life-giving to the bearer and efficacious to the world, even when it is scorned."
For the full article click here:
Peace and all good.

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