Listening To Silence

Listening To Silence
The noise of silence can be deafening!
All that chatter arising from within
We choose to stifle
As so much "din".

Do we drown ourselves
In mountainous
So as not to hear the Voice within?

The silence of listening will bring us…
into the heart that needs to be rent
Of clutter,
Chaos and disorder…
Of self-seeking and fear.

Are we afraid of what we worship?
Is there fear in letting go;
Of emptying,
to find the idols
letting them crumble into dust?

Love is there, awaiting the Opening!
Will Love find the welcome?
In welcoming, will the Silence
Be born once again?

Jean Mahan, sfo
(Reprinted with permission)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both beautiful and powerful.. Thanks and Blessings to you!